Stepping Off The Ledge
Imagine you’ve decided that you’re going to bungee jump. You’ve paid your money, signed the waiver...
Read Moreby Glenn Geffcken | Oct 7, 2014 | Changing Corporate Culture, Heart and Mind | 2 |
Imagine you’ve decided that you’re going to bungee jump. You’ve paid your money, signed the waiver...
Read Moreby Glenn Geffcken | Jun 10, 2014 | Art of Balance, Heart and Mind | 0 |
I love cooking breakfast. In fact my first career was as a line cook in a breakfast and lunch...
Read Moreby Glenn Geffcken | May 27, 2014 | Art of Balance, Heart and Mind, Intuition | 0 |
“Fear is the mind killer” is a fairly well known Frank Herbert quote, the concept of which plays a...
Read Moreby Glenn Geffcken | May 20, 2014 | Art of Balance, Heart and Mind | 2 |
It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from. The ability to triumph begins with you....
Read Moreby Glenn Geffcken | May 13, 2014 | Art of Balance, Heart and Mind, Intuition | 0 |
Last week in Developing Intuition Part I, we explored the importance of opening our feeling center...
Read Moreby Glenn Geffcken | May 6, 2014 | Art of Balance, Heart and Mind, Intuition | 0 |
Good intuition is so highly sought after, and yet so often misunderstood and confused with the...
Read Moreby Glenn Geffcken | Apr 14, 2014 | Art of Balance, Heart and Mind | 0 |
Well, not really. But, perhaps this will be one of the most important. The point is if I had named...
Read Moreby Glenn Geffcken | Jan 31, 2014 | Art of Balance, Changing Corporate Culture, Heart and Mind | 0 |
Our modern culture continually preaches the mantra of “more.” More profit, more employees, more...
Read Moreby Glenn Geffcken | Jan 29, 2014 | Art of Balance, Heart and Mind, Intuition | 10 |
Recently I wrote a blog about intuition, Subtlety and Intuition Are Close Cousins, that spoke to...
Read Moreby Glenn Geffcken | Jan 22, 2014 | Art of Balance, Heart and Mind, Indigenous Principles | 4 |
I’ve been walking this parallel road of one foot in business and one foot in North American...
Read Moreby Glenn Geffcken | Jan 14, 2014 | Art of Balance, Heart and Mind | 0 |
In times of great need and controversy we tend to define ourselves by how we meet our challenges....
Read Moreby Glenn Geffcken | Jan 6, 2014 | Art of Balance, Heart and Mind, Intuition | 0 |
Intuition is an important ability to cultivate to help move us into a feeling of greater balance...
Read MoreGlenn's blog about integrating the mind with the heart in work and life.
Maria's blog about transcending the stories that limit us.
For weekly inspirations and insights related to the integration of heart and mind in business and life, and transcending the stories that limit us.