Core Values

Core values seem like such a simple thing, and for many companies it’s as simple as saying, “We’re about trust, respect, integrity” and so on. We know it’s a good thing to place them on the website and include them in the employee handbook, but why truly are they important?

Core values are not just about making a statement to the world or delivering a feel good message to the team—they serve as the foundation to culture.

Core Values Pyramid
If we want to intentionally shape and mold culture to do things like increase employee engagement and morale, stimulate more innovation, lower turnover, and strengthen the brand, we begin by designing authentic core values and then infusing them into every aspect of the organization.

Creation & Integration

We hold talking circles and create a space in which open honest communication can take place. In a circle everyone is an equal. In a talking circle each person’s voice is heard without interruption. In this space of trust and respect we walk you and your team through the creation of authentic core values, and we coach and mentor you on how to integrate them into your daily work, your brand, and your vision.

Our work with Maria and Glenn around core values has been instrumental in my success as an individual professional and as a member of the team. As company growth and change happens stress, worry, and frustration can occur, but Glenn and Maria’s process creates time for honest, open, productive communication. Through this, staff members are able to get out of the busy day to day and listen to each other. This facilitates deeper understanding, connection, and harmony.

Sarah Benoit

Director of Training & Lead Trainer for JB Media Institute, JB Media

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Shift: Indigenous Principles for Corporate Change


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