The Warrior Spirit
The principle of the warrior spirit is important to the integration of all the indigenous principles, as each of these principles requires us to reconsider our place in the world and the nature of how we do things. It requires us to be introspective and be willing to be honest with ourselves about whatever we see when we look within. For some this is almost a habit, yet for most it is a huge challenge. We are not taught the art of introspection in childhood, nor in the school system or the universities, yet the university of life demands it of us if we wish to transcend the ordinary and achieve the exceptional. It is through the rigorous practice of the warrior spirit that we become increasingly more adept in the art of honest introspection.
Excerpt from SHIFT: Indigenous Principles for Corporate Change:
“This definition could not be more inaccurate as the concept is understood in Indigenous cultures. The “warrior spirit” in the Indigenous sense, is largely regarded as a person, man or woman, who has vowed their life to the betterment of their family, community, nation, collectively “their people,” and that they will act and make decisions for that greater good regardless of how hard it may be or the consequences as they pertain to the warrior him or herself.
“Acting with carefully thought-out intention means we are thinking more broadly, with a long-term perspective. Even if our decisions are entirely self-centered, we can still make significant improvements in our lives and our work by extending our thought process beyond immediate gratification. Even more powerfully, we can dramatically change outcomes by looking for the connections between serving others and our own success. In either case, we are required to be willing to experience some degree of pain, perhaps more than what we are typically accustomed to, for the sake of positive change. We are required to behave like warriors, willing to do what it takes for the greater good regardless of what it requires of ourselves personally.”
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