About Maria
Maria Geffcken was born in Mexico and immigrated to the states when she was nine years old. Her journey has been that of personal growth to discover and embrace where she came from and where she is now.
Having spent many years in the corporate world and self-discovery, today Maria aspires to do work that matters. Making a difference in the lives of everyone she comes in contact with.
Maria is an intuitive. She senses in people those deeply seated things that block them from progressing. She is a woman of great wisdom and heart-based communication, and can cut to the core of what blocks progress with gentleness and compassion.
Maria offers a balance to Glenn’s business savvy and systems approach. Together they form a whole and are able to bridge the gap from the ancient teachings to the modern world, from the analytical to the intuitive, and from the mind to heart.
Maria writes Transcending Single Stories blog, which is about acknowledging and transcending the single stories that keep us small.
Not As Scary After All
I have been in this world a little over half a century and looking back on my life I can say that this quote carries much truth. Having gone through so much change these...
Wake Me Up When It’s Over
Fear, uncertainty and discomfort being my compasses toward growth sound profound and spiritual, and yet what I experienced this past week didn’t feel profound and...
I Have Seen It All
Recently I had the opportunity to reflect on my original vision of blogging about Single Stories, and where that vision came from. It has been a year and five months since my first blog, Transcending Single Stories, and I have been inspired to write many more since...
Where Do I Begin?
Where do I begin? I sit here, fingers on keyboard asking for guidance as to what to write. It has been nearly two months since my last blog, “Everything Is Changing, All At Once,” and I’ve struggled to find the words to express what I’ve been experiencing as the dust...
Everything Is Changing, All At Once
“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. – Alan W. Watts I’ve heard it said that change is inevitable, and that change is the only constant. I believe I have come to the place of welcoming change in my life,...
Look At All That Pain
Have you ever wondered what pain looks like? I hadn’t really thought about the different faces of pain until recently while attending a women’s retreat. Prior to this retreat, if I was to be asked what I thought pain looked like, I would have said that it looks like...