“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. – Alan W. Watts

I’ve heard it said that change is inevitable, and that change is the only constant. I believe I have come to the place of welcoming change in my life, knowing that it is part of the circle of life. But how much change is one capable of embracing at the same time?

I guess embracing change is the action that seems appropriate and courageous when change presents itself. Yet many emotions come with change, which makes it challenging and even scary to embrace.

Within the past month, a giant wave of change has enveloped my life. My son, who is my youngest, moved to Florida with his girlfriend. My middle daughter, who has been on a road trip, landed in Washington State and is now here gathering her belongings, her kitty cat, and moving there. The awareness that Glenn’s and my purpose for being in Asheville is now complete. Doors are closing here and opening in Atlanta. Friendships are ending. Our landlord is selling the house, and we’re moving to Atlanta on October 31st. And one of the saddest changes was putting our beloved Buttercup (our long time purring member of our family) down yesterday.

It is my trust in the Divine, the Universe, God, Gaia, Creator—the One with many names, which helps me to plunge into, move with, and join the dance of change.

All of these changes came crushing in, or at least it feels that way. There have been signs along the way showing me that these changes were coming, but knowing that change is coming is a lot easier to be with than when the actual change takes place. I feel a bit ungrounded. What was no longer is. What will be is unknown, and I’m left with riding the wave of change.

Remembering that I’ve ridden this wave of change before helps me to trust that I will get through the grieving of what was, and that the unknown is not as scary as it appears. It may seem as though I use the word trust lightly, yet it is because of this trust that I have been able to walk through the many changes in my life. It is this trust that helps me pay attention to and embrace the guidance, as unreasonable as it may seem. It is my trust in the Divine, the Universe, God, Gaia, Creator—the One with many names, which helps me to plunge into, move with, and join the dance of change.