Have you ever made New Year resolutions? I have.
And really meant it this time? I have.
Have you become aware of a pattern that has been with you all your life? I have.
Along my journey I have made decisions to start something new that would have enhanced my life, or stop doing something that I knew was not for my greatest good. As I consider these decisions, I really intended to follow through with them. I even began and succeeded for a week or so and then found myself back in the battle and struggle of falling back into old behaviors and patterns. Why is that?
Some years back I recall having a conversation with a friend, whom I considered a mentor, about a situation that I found myself in, time after time and not knowing what to do differently. She listened without judgment and as I came to the end of my sharing, I said, “I don’t know what to do.” She said, “Maria…” I listened with great anticipation in hopes that she would provide the answer to the baffling question of my situation. She then continued, “You’re going to do what you’re going to do, until you don’t do it anymore.” I was confused and disappointed, as that was not the answer I was looking for. I asked her what she meant, and she just repeated herself.
It took some time for me to understand her wise words. Today I get what she meant. Her answer was profound and it was the answer I needed to hear. I had to find the answer within myself. I had to come to the place of being sick and tired of being sick and tired, of doing the same thing over and over again and having the same results before I could get to the place of being willing to do something different.
My willingness was the first step towards breaking a pattern that had been with me all my life. Breaking patterns is not easy, but taking the first step can lead us towards having the life we long to live.
Your mentor gave you wise advice, and I’m glad you’re passing on this wise advice to all your readers.
Thank you for your comment Father Paul. I appreciate you.