I have heard of body language being a tool for business purposes, as it will tell us something about a person. I have also heard that our body will tell us when something is off balance in our life — this I have found quite profound.

Body language can be seen as our posture, what we do with our hands, and even where our eyes focus when we are talking with someone. It can also be seen as aches and pains.

I can’t say that when I first heard about our body telling us when something is off that it immediately resonated and I started listening and paying attention to the aches and pains my body was experiencing.

“I have heard it said that once pain reaches our physical body, it means our soul is screaming at us to listen and pay attention.”

With most things in my life, lessons have unfolded sometimes quickly and sometimes slowly. Paying attention to what my body is telling me is one thing; doing something about it is another.

I have heard it said that once pain reaches our physical body, it means our soul is screaming at us to listen and pay attention. There is a great book written by Louise Hay, “You Can Heal Your Life”, in which she talks about our physical ailments representing certain emotional and spiritual wounding, and how we can heal from them.

There has not been a time that I have referenced this book with some physical ailment in which it has not been accurate in regard to my emotional or spiritual unbalance. Could this be a coincidence? It could. Yet I choose to trust what my body is telling me and be open to the help and guidance that is available.

I sometimes browse through Pinterest and read inspirational quotes and share the ones that get me thinking about things in my life. I think this must be a time when a lot of people are listening to what their body is telling them.

Sometime ago, I posted a quote on Pinterest by Rumi: “These Pains You Feel Are Messengers. Listen To Them”. I resonated with this quote and I wanted to share it with others. I don’t know how many people saw it and what affect it had on them, because I didn’t get any notice of people liking it or re-pinning it. This quote had come and gone until last week when I started receiving notices in my e-mail of people re-pinning this quote.

“I am listening to my body and it is telling me something.”

At first I thought it reached just a few people, yet everyday I received three or more notices of this quote being re-pinned. I started thinking about the quote continuing to appear on my screen and wondered if this itself was a message for me to pay attention to, and because I don’t believe in coincidences, I paid attention.

I am listening to my body and it is telling me something. What exactly that is, is not clear yet, but I trust that in time it will be revealed. Body language is important, in particular, the aches and pains that tell us we are off balance. It’s a language we can all understand if we listen and pay attention to what it is telling us. It can reveal so much about our life and take us on an inward journey we might be ready to take.