Last week in Developing Intuition Part I, we explored the importance of opening our feeling center so we can increase our sensitivity to the intuitive flow. Part two is about discerning the nature of our feelings and how they relate to intuition.

Feelings of anger or resentment are true bonafide emotions, but they have a tendency to cut the flow of intuition because they can be so intense that they can blind us from seeing what is actually true. Anger and resentment are mostly about placing blame on others, and by holding on to anger and resentment we send negative waves out through our universe.

“Anger and resentment are the antithesis of sensitivity.”

Consider this. If intuition were like a stream flowing through the ethers that anyone at anytime could reach into and draw from the waters a creative flow or a knowing about something unknowable or inaccessible, and that all a person has to do to tap this flow is increase their sensitivity to it, how might we accomplish this? The answer is just that, by being sensitive. That doesn’t mean being weak. It means having the ability to sense.

Anger and resentment are the antithesis of sensitivity because instead of tuning into what others are feeling we are blocking the flow of deeper emotions and motivations that lie underneath the anger and resentment. To put it another way, the drivers of our anger and resentment are, in some form or another, typically about us feeling hurt or wronged by others. And when we feel hurt or wronged by another we tend to stop right there and remain in our anger, thus blocking our sensitivity to deeper emotions. Holding anger or resentment toward ourselves can have the same effect of blocking intuition.

“Our judgments are typically what lead us to negative emotions in the first place.”

If I feel anger toward a person who cuts me off on the road, I am only angry because I feel I have been wronged. In that moment my creative intuitive flow is blocked because all I see is this horrible person who has just cut me off. If on the other hand, someone cuts me off on the road and I merely observe that I have been cut off without judgment that being cut off is bad or dangerous, I can then tap the intuitive flow and actually feel what the other person is feeling. It could be that they just received some really bad news, or that they are emotionally hurt, or it could be this person is just a mean person and one to avoid. It could also be that they are physically ill and their driving ability is impaired. In either case there is no reason for me to take it personally and to allow the flow of happy feelings in my day to be altered.

This also touches on the importance of being non-judgmental, as negative emotions block the flow, so too with judgment. In fact, our judgments are typically what lead us to negative emotions in the first place. As the Dalai Lama once wrote, “Love is the absence of judgment.”

To develop intuition we need to be willing to open our feeling center and to be more sensitive. We also need to be discerning as to what we are feeling, and if we’re feeling negative or discomforting emotions we need to ask ourselves what is beneath these emotions so that we can increase our sensitivity and free up the intuitive flow.


With the exploration of intuition being so rich, there will likely be many more blogs to come on this topic. Depending on the creative stream flowing through the ethers and how and when I tap it, I just might be exploring how fear and ego can block intuition, and then maybe we can reach that Zen place of total connection with the flow. In the meantime, here’s a little secret from the indigenous realm—time spent in nature increases our intuition.