Overcoming fear and apathy is a challenge we all face, some of us more than others. There is a tendency to observe those flying high in life, the Oprah Winfrey’s, the Ted Turner’s, the Bill Gates of the world and assume they never have crises of confidence. Yet they do. Perhaps the difference is that they don’t act on their fears so much as others.
The common approach to overcoming fear and apathy tends to be focusing on one’s inspiration and life goals. We spend much time and effort listening to motivational speakers, reading books to get ourselves excited, and pumping ourselves up to do those things that are most difficult to do. While these efforts can have a positive effect and may even drive us to accomplish things we’ve never before been able to do, there is a teaching that comes from the Indigenous world that can be most helpful in the long term for overcoming fear and apathy.
The principle of the Warrior Spirit is one in which we establish as a principal for living that it is always best to do the right thing no matter how scary, difficult, or messy it might be. Doing the right thing can be defined as doing what’s right for self and others.
By integrating within our thinking and our personal value system a desire and a commitment to always strive to do the right thing, then overcoming fear and apathy is an ability we develop much like a runner develops their cardiovascular to accomplish long distances or a weight trainer develops the ability to lift ever-increasing weights. We develop our muscle for strength over time through consistent practice.
Yet developing a consistent practice does not happen on its own, and it certainly doesn’t happen by occasionally listening to motivational speakers who make us feel good in that moment. Developing a consistent practice can come partially from having the opportunity to view others who set the example of the warrior spirit – people living their passion, owning their strength and their talents, and being consistently dedicated to doing the right thing (like motivational speakers) – more deeply though, it comes from developing the value system within our own selves. And to do that, we must start by embracing the principal of the Warrior Spirit.
The problem with the raw, raw, motivational, pump-ourselves-up approach is that by itself it lacks purpose and intention. Practicing the Indigenous Principle of the Warrior Spirit means we begin by exploring our value system, and it is from our value system that we develop intention, and then we move forward into the challenge with a clear sense of purpose and intention. This is the way of the warrior and when practiced on a regular basis becomes an inherent strength of character. Overcoming fear and apathy then becomes a daily practice.
This would be very similar to not having exercised for many years and then endeavoring upon a new exercise regime. That first day and that first week is going to be a challenge, yet the more we do it consistently the easier it gets to where eventually we learn to love our fitness and our health and look forward to going to the gym or hitting the roads or however it is that we exercise. Doing the right thing consistently, will come easier as we practice the principle of the Warrior Spirit.
Really appreciate this message Glenn! Understanding one’s core values/principles I feel is a large piece in our success at happiness. When we come from this space of groundedness and belief nothing shakes us.
Keep it up! Love reading your thoughts…
Thank you Keresey. So true, “Understanding one’s core values/principles.” It almost seems over-simplistic, yet holds the keys to so much more richness in life and work.